What Is Role Playing?
What is Role Playing?
Ever been so fed up with life that you wished with all your heart
that you could be someone else? Most of us have at various times in
our lives wondered what it would be like to experience a life beyond
our own, to fly through the air on a winged horse, to slay dragons
with a mighty sword, to travel through dangerous territory, to find
a castle in the sky.
This is exactly what is at the heart of every role playing game. A
chance to take those fantasies, those daydreams and grant them for
just a short time, more substance than ever before.
When you are involved in any role playing game, it can be compared
to acting. For a shorttime you assume the identity of someone else.
You control this person's actions, words,and very deeds. As this new
individual you take them from adventure to adventure in a world
different from your own.
The greatest difference in role playing and other games is that the
only limit is your own imagination,your own ability to bring the
character to life. Even a well designed computer game can only give
you limited choices to make. In role playing, choices become limitless.
As long as you can think creatively, the envelope of boundries is kept
at bay. Imagination is the key.
To begin role playing, you need to create a character. You will find
links on this web page all that you will need to help create this new
"you" for the Mystic Shadows Inn.
If you are unsure, come to the Mystic Shadows Inn and watch and learn
as others role play an adventure. You are welcome at any time to
simply observe, or even to try out your imagination so to speak by
participating in conversations with fellow gamers.
Also watch for calendar events where our innkeepers will hold special
sessions for those new to the role playing world. There we will help
you walk through an adventure with your new character.
While the imagination is your limit, there are some rules that must
be followed to keep the game in TalkCity Standards, as well as rules
of OnLine Role Playing Etiquette. These rules can be found on the
link marked, oddly enough, Rules. Be sure to read through them as
you will save time in the gaming arena for play rather than discussion.
Lastly, always observe the goings on of others around you. Remember
everyone and anything could be a clue to your adventure. Don't be
afraid to try something new, after all even if you were to "die" you
could always create a new and better character. So, you're ready,
start up the creative juices as you read the contents of the other
links and prepare to enter the World of ...
Mystic Shadows Inn
Mystic Links
Mystic Shadows Inn
To return to the beginning
Rules of Pria
Find out all the rules of the game and Talk City
World of Pria
Discover more about the world of Pria
Ethics of the World of Pria
Explore the types of behavior you can find.
Races of Pria
Check out the various races you can be.
Professions of Pria
Discover the skills and abilities you can be
Gods and Goddesses of Pria
Find out the history of your favorite.
Links to other Fantasy Forum related sites.