Rules of Play Considering this is an on line role playing game, we must walk a tightrope between game rules and the standards of behavior required by the server that we are on. Those standards of behavior for Talk City are strongly enforced by all GMs in the forum. You will find them posted after the game rules. Mystic Shadows Inn is a general chat environment. The no fighting rule is strictly enforced. In fact the Lady Magic has placed a very special spell on the inn and its surrounding area. In that area, should you use a weapon it is magically changed into a blue rose. This would include your fists if you tried to start a fist fight, or your teeth if you try to bite someone. The spell reverses itself upon your departure from the inn. Additionally there is a very strong healing magic within the inn so that even if you did manage to harm someone, they are instantly recovered, this includes even the most destructive spell that would cause instant death. Therefore no one dies in the inn. The main purpose of the spell was to help those adventurers that are severely injured so that as they came through the door they were recovered immediately. Lady Magic created this inn for the sole purpose of aiding adventurers. There is no charge for the services of the inn that include food and beverages, lodging for yourself and your animals, and of course information to help you on your way. The Lady is also known for gifting travelers with small magical items to help them if their cause is righteous or if they have proven themselves worthy in her eyes. Many vendors travel through the inn and you can often find other items you might wish to purchase for your character from them. Remember this is a role playing room devoted to fantasy adventuring. This is not a flirts rooms, nor a pick up joint. Therefore if you are engaging in that kind of activity you might be handed a key to a room of the inn, signifying you need to take it private, or you might be instructed to take it to another room on the server. Please do as as we do not want to have to resort to kicking and banning you from the room. Additionally consider seriously whether you would ever in real life want to bring a small child into such an environment. We of Mystic Shadows Inn believe that small children deserve the right to a long life rather than being taken along on adventures where you might as well have painted a target on their backs or a sign that says, "Dinner is Served." In the days of knights and crusades, they did all they could to shield their children from such things except in stories, and the Knights of the Round Table never thought to take junior along to slay the dragon. While you are more than welcome to chat in the inn without a formal character generated here, you may no longer participate in the adventures in #MysticCaves or the tournaments in #MysticDuels without one. This rule will be strictly enforced! For those of you who think you are a god or a demi god in this game, think again. Only the gods of Pria have any godlike abilities in this realm, and only designated staff members portray any of those gods and goddesses. This is to maintain game balance. Magic is a very difficult thing to use. It takes years of study just to be able to cast the lowest of spells. No one except the Goddess of Magic can cast more than one spell per action, and even the Goddess of Magic gets very very tired doing this. Also the power of any spell cast will be dependent upon your level not according to what you type in the room. Trying to create a spell that is beyond your ability will more than likely result in a string of butterflies than a fireball. For more information on how the magic of Pria works, go over to the link for professions and check out mages. In this world, the stealing of souls is not an acceptible ability, as Satyr, father of Pria has long ago protected them, therefore you are unlikely to ever find such a spell even in the most forbidden of books or legends. Anyone who attempts to steal a soul will discover that the soul they stole was their own! Continual disregard for the rules of the game will result in your being banished from the world of Pria. If you are looking for an evil deity to follow, check the Gods and Goddesses of Pria page, Satan is NOT one of them, or any of his other aliases. If you want to follow someone truly evil, try Sharay, Plague, Onyx, or Vrae.
Because our goal in Talk City is to promote communication in an
atmosphere of mutual respect, we have a few city ordinances.
* We don't tolerate harassment.
We welcome people of all ages, races, religions, genders, national
origins, sexual orientations and points of view. We don't tolerate
expressions of bigotry, hatred, harassment or abuse, nor will we
tolerate threats of harm to anyone.
Because we encourage discussion and exchange of ideas, we don't
allow defamatory, abusive, tasteless or indecorous statements. For
the same reason, we don't allow sexually explicit material in
conversations or nicknames.
We recognize that kids and teens need to have rooms that nurture
them, as such rooms with the designation of "4Kids" have standards
that in addition to all other standards, do not allow sexually
suggestive conversations or names. For the same reason we don't
allow sexually suggestive innuendoes or double entendre. Topics
dealing with human sexuality and other similar subjects can be
discussed but in an educational structured and monitored environment.
We invite people to open public rooms and to apply for permanent
rooms. Creators(Operators) of such rooms must follow our City
Ordinances in room name, topic, and content. Operators may use the
/kick command only if a participant violates one of the City Ordinances.
Operators should then contact the City Standards Advisor about
the kicked offender (/msg CSA Message).
* We allow only legal activities.
Although this seems obvious, we don't allow any illegal activities.
Specifically, we won't let you advocate illegal conduct or participate
in illegal or fraudulent schemes. You can't use our chat rooms
(channels) to distribute unauthorized copies of copyrighted material,
including photos, artwork, text, recordings, designs or computer
Even though it's not exactly illegal, we won't let you impersonate
someone else, including one of our trained chat hosts. Please do not
use a nickname that would lead people to believe you are a member of
the City Conference Crew, Forum Volunteers or Community Standards
Advisors (that is, including the letters CCC or CSA). People depend
on our hosts as official representatives, and respect the fact that
they have earned their CCCs or CSAs through special training.
With regards to chats; Talk City provides chats on a number of
Talk City staff or volunteer hosts are not giving professional advise
of any kind, but are speaking from their own experience or opinion
helpful for the conducting of a conversation. Such personnel claim
professional or expertise or authority.
* We do our best to encourage comfort and discourage disruptive
Talk City doesn't allow posting or use of computer programs that
contain destructive features, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses,
bots scripts and so on.
We also discourage disruptive conduct: Persistent off-topic comments
in a topic-oriented conference, statements that incite others to
violate the City ordinances, or the physical act of "scrolling" --
repeatedly hitting the Return key in a conference.
The use of pop-ups that are excessively long; the use of pop-ups
sound waves in a repetitive manner such that it disrupts the topic
conversation in a room is not allowed. Users inviting others to visit
web sites with content that would not comply with Talk City Standards
are considered to be in violation of our standards and subject to
action by the CSA and other staff.
* We do not allow unauthorized commercial activity.
We encourage communication between our members but posting or
transmitting of unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, promotional
materials, or any other forms of solicitation to other users, in
Talk City, except in those areas that maybe designated for
such a purpose are not allowed.
* We encourage your participation in upholding City Ordinances.
We want your visit here to be enjoyable. If you have questions
City Ordinances, or need to report a violation, ask a conference host
or a Community Standards Advisor to help you (someone with CCC or
CSA attached to their nickname).
We reserve the right to immediately terminate or suspend access
our chats for conduct that we believe interferes with other peoples'
When in doubt about appropriate behavior here, remember that Talk
City is an electronic world, but the people here are real. So, just
as when you join any gathering of people, we ask that you treat
others with respect and with care.
Thanks for joining the Talk City community!