Thieves in the World of Pria

The lightfingered profession on Pria, it is not one easily used 
within Mystic Shadows Inn because of the protections of Lady Magic.  
However, it certainly comes in handy on an adventure as you can help 
to causally lift things from creatures you meet along the way.  

This profession also teaches you the skills of disguise, hiding tracks, 
and searching for secret doors and passageways, all necessary skills 
in adventuring.  Additionally, thieves will learn how to pick locks, 
climb walls, and to detect traps.

This profession of course rarely encourages those of a righteous ethic, 
although the classic righteous thief would be Robin Hood.  He stole 
from the rich to give it back to those it belonged to, the poor.  He 
used his talents and abilities to lift possessions from those who really 
didn’t need them to give it to those who did.  He rarely kept anything
for himself.

Most thieves tend to be of the free agent persuasion being better able 
to justify their stealing.  They do however rarely steal from party 
members, and never on an adventure as there is honor among their kind 
and they do stick to the bargain entered into before they leave on their 

Now they will tend to slip an extra gem or two into their pockets 
from found treasures before they are divided, but once it is divided 
up, they will honor that bargain.

The scrouge thieves do however acquire a reputation for their lack of
trustworthiness and their inability to keep their word.  Rarely will 
they be asked to join an adventure unless it is composed entirely of 
scrouge characters all out for only themselves.

Starting equipment:  The following is a list of the equipment that all 
thieves begin the game with.

Choice of one non magical one handed weapon
Leather armor
Beginning clothing appropriate for your character
cleaning kit for armor and weapons
6 torches
lockpicks and tools
100 gold pieces

Mystic Links

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