Mages of Pria
A mage is someone who is clearly connected to the magical weave of
the World of Pria. They are capable of doing great harm and greater
good for the people. That choice is totally yours as to whether they
follow the path of the righteous or that of the scrouge. You might
even want to walk the path of balance as a free agent.
Mages work mainly with their own inner strength and the weave of Pria.
They do not need many spell components as these tend to be their life
energy and the weave created by the Lady Magic. Still they do like to
make potions and ointments so those would of course need appropriate
materials to complete.
While mages have spellbooks that they tend to write information into,
the spells as such do not require any particular words to envoke,
rather a strong will and a grip onto the weave to make them happen.
This tends to eliminate the need to memorize spells, merely to practice
finding the correct amount of inner strength with the correct grasp
on the weave to make it happen. It also means that the mage can use
multiple spells in the course of a day depending on their inner
Since so much does depend on that inner strength, all mages, practice
the arts of meditation, but it is more important for those of the
novice level. These mages tend to spend up to 5 hours a day deep in
meditation to try to build their reserves of strength.
These novices also practice the simplier spells constantly, and it is
not unusual to find one engaged in lighting a small candle on fire and
blowing it out repeatedly to practice.
As mages grow in ability and strength, so too do their spell results
and their ability to alter the actual spell to something of their
own creation.
Starting equipment: The following is a list of the equipment that all
mages begin the game with.
Choice of wooden staff or dagger
Beginning clothing appropriate for your character
6 torches
ink and quill
small pouch filled with components for several minor potions
100 gold pieces
Mystic Links
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