Knights in the World of Pria
Knights are fighters with convictions or strong beliefs. There are
two very distinct groups of knights in Pria. The reason for this is
that since they have such strong beliefs, there is no way for them to
be free agents. Therefore the only knights are those of the righteous
ethics and those of the scrouge ethic.
Knights of the Blue Rose Knights of the Blue Rose are righteous and wear
it like a badge of honor. They are not afraid to show what they believe
and feel. The Knights of the Blue Rose take as their symbol the rare and
extremely beautiful blue rose of Pria. Their motto is "Truth, Justice and
Virtue." Becoming a Knight of the Blue Rose means that your character will
always fight for order and good. They must be of the righteous ethic and
no other ethic choiceis possible. Knights at the novice level are trained
in unarmed combat, horsemanship and horse mounted combat, along with a
limited selection of weapons that always includes a sword and lance. Knights
also learn shield defense both on and off horse. Knights will learn basic
training for strength and movement, but they also learn chivalry. Before
they are allowed to take the field in battle, all novice knights must take
a formal oath of chivalry before the local ruler. All novice and apprentice
knights are called "Knight." A journeyman and master knight are addressed
or called, "Sir."
Knights of the Thorn Knights of the Thorn are scourges in the world of
Pria, and show it in their actions. These characters are not afraid to
perform any evil deed if it will help their mission,or cause. Knights of
the Thorn have as their mission to spread chaos across the land. These
knights are forever at odds with the Knights of the Blue Rose, and love
nothing more than to torment them. This is why they chose as their symbol
the thorn of the very rose that is such a sign of good. They also chose
as their motto, "Chaos, Pain and Destruction." Becoming a Knight of the
Thorn means that your character will always fight for chaos and destruction.
They must be of the scourge ethic and no other ethic choice is possible.
Knights at the novice level are trained in unarmed combat,horsemanship
and horse mounted combat, along with a limited selection of weapons that
always includes a sword and lance. Knights also learn shield defense both
on and off horse. Knights of the Thorn also learn basic training for strength
and movement, but they never learn chivalry. Before they are allowed to
take the field in battle, all novice knights must pass the test of pain
before other Knights of the Thorn. All novice and apprentice Knights of
the Thorn take the title "Knight." Journeymen and master Knights of the
Thorn take the title, "Sir." After all, they believe they are as good as
any other knight.
Starting equipment: The following is a list of the equipment that all Knights,
whether Knights of the Blue Rose or Knights of the Thorn, begin the game
with. Choice of one non magical weapon Sword Lance Shield with appropriate
insignia involved. Choice of armor either leather or chain mail Beginning
clothing appropriate for your character Boots backpack pouch waterskin
cleaning kit for armor and weapons saddle and bridle Grooming equipment
for horse Horse 6 torches rope 20 feet in length 100 gold pieces
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