Healers of Pria
These are what would be the doctors and nurses of this ancient world.
They fall into several types, including physician, shaman, and druid.
All three have the abilities to heal and cure diseases just in very
different ways.
The druid healer is the one on Pria that knows about plants and how
they can help heal wounds and cure illnesses. These characters are the
followers of Lord Cosmic, the god of nature. Always found with several
pouches on them, these would contain the ingredients that they would
need to perform basic first aid on adventurers who have the misfortune
to become injured. They would also contain those plants and herbs more
difficult to obtain, or perhaps that only bloom once a year.
Healers that are druids would gain healing spells from Lord Cosmic.
Starting equipment: The following is a list of the equipment that
all Druids begin the game with.
Choice of one non edged non magical weapon
Leather armor
Beginning clothing appropriate for your character
cleaning kit for armor and weapons
6 torches
Medical kit to include herbs and ointments for healing and various illnesses
Small dagger for non combat purposes
Several healing crystals
100 gold pieces
These are the physical healers of Pria. As a Physician, your character
will be able to bind wounds, know how to perform surgery, and be able
to deal with many different kinds of illnesses. Rather than plants and
herbs, a physician would carry bandages, potions, and ointments. They
would also have sharp implements to perform surgery.
Physicians have the ability to follow any of the gods of Pria to gain
their healing spells.
Starting equipment: The following is a list of the equipment that all
Physicians begin the game with.
Choice of one non edged non magical weapon
Leather armor
Beginning clothing appropriate for your character
cleaning kit for armor and weapons
6 torches
Medical kit to include potions and ointments for healing and various illnesses
Small kit of surgical equipment including thread and needle
Small dagger for non combat purposes
100 gold pieces
These are the spiritual healers of Pria. While a shaman can cure
wounds, they concentrate on the spiritual illnesses. Their very
ability to cure those wounds though is based on prayers to the spirits
and gods of Pria rather than on any special technique to bind the
Shaman would carry a variety of items with them that would include
plants and herbs, but also the bandages and potions of the physicians. In addition, they would
carry implements of their spiritual workings, prayer rattles, beads,
feathers, necklaces, and small drums.
Like the physicians, they tend to worship a variety of gods from the
Starting equipment: The following is a list of the equipment that
all Shaman begin the game with.
Choice of one non edged non magical weapon
Leather armor
Beginning clothing appropriate for your character
cleaning kit for armor and weapons
6 torches
Medical kit to include herbs and ointments for healing and various illnesses
Small dagger for non combat purposes
Several healing crystals
Small prayer drum
Prayer Rattle
Several types of prayer feathers
Prayer beads
100 gold pieces
Basic Spells and Abilities
Basic Abilities and Spells
Welcome, Fellow healer. As a gift from the Gods and Goddesses from
this realm, you have been granted five spells to use.
1. Statue - holds animal or person for five (Pria world) minutes.
2. Tangler - makes vegetation in area grow and entwine around target.
3. Guard - protection from evil entity's spells and effects.
4. Push - repels target forcefully 10 feet.
5. Heal - heals wounds (gashes, stabs, burns, etc.) Does not
regenerate body parts, nor bring back to life.
To earn additional spells, prove yourself worthy to a desired Deity
by joining the quests in the land of Pria. Each time you accomplish
a noteworthy task, approach the Masters of the Healers Guild. The
Master's names are EmeraldGM, AzreiGM, or DruidGM. They will ask you
your deity's name, and the adventures you went on. If you prove
yourself to them, you may earn many spells.
Some guidelines to follow:
Once you have decided on a god or goddess to follow, you will then
be able to study the spells that they will grant you access to. While
you may wish to honor more than one god or goddess, you will find that
your abilities are not quite as effective as if you were to follow
just one of them. Usually should you choose to select two of them to
follow, one will be your Major Deity and the other the Minor Deity.
Magic, the Goddess, can only be chosen as your Major Deity.
WE do not grant spells for the evil Gods, as those are the ones we are
battling. Also spells given by the scrouge gods and goddesses would be
destructive, causing wounds not healing them.
Once you become proficient in the spells you are given and have advanced
sufficiently, your chosen god or goddess may wish to grant to you
additional spells of your choice after you have researched them and
sought out the approval of the Masters of the Healing Guild.
Contained herein are all the healing spells possible at the apprentice
level. You must choose one god or goddess to follow as your primary
god or goddess. Those then become the spells that you are able to
pray for. You may also pray to that God or Goddess for extra help and
it is of course up to the whim of the gods if you are heard.
DETECT LIE allows the healer to tell whether or not a person is lying
or is actually telling the truth.
MUTE the target of this spell can no longer use their voice for at
least 60 minutes.
GRANT SPELL ABILITY allows the target of the spell to gain the ability
to cast one selected spell that the healer knows once.
OPEN PORTAL opens a portal that can be used to return to the Inn from
any location.
RESURRECTION brings person back to life, can only be cast once per day
due to the fatigue it causes in the healer
REMOVE CURSE removes evil spell if the caster was of equal or lesser
ASTRAL SPELL turns target into a ghost form until the word of reversal
is spoken
FREE ACTION eliminate such spells as paralysis.
SILENCE is an area affect very much like mute, causing no sound
within a 15 foot radius the radius of the affected area can
expand with proficiency.
RAISE OR LOWER WATER raises or lowers the water level anywhere up to
30 feet maximum
OBSCUREMENT target becomes blurred, almost invisible, but not quite.
FLOAT target gains the ability to float and move through the air
LIGHTNING SPEAR brings a single spear of lightning into use as a
weapon, similar to a sword
REMOVE FEAR remove fear and replaces it with determination.
FREE ACTION eliminates such spells as paralysis.
CHARIOT OF AIR makes a chariot big enough to transport two people.
HAMMER OF FORCE creates a usable hammer shaped object that can be
thrown and will return to the casters hand. It is created by the force of
will of the healer, and will do damage accordingly.
RIVER OF MIGHT target’s strength doubles.
FLAME BLADE makes a sword from flame.
COURAGE increases a fighters ability to deal with hopeless situations.
PAINFREE eliminates pain while in a battle.
POLISH causes all armor and weapons to be cleaned and polished and
sharpened able to be cast at will.
REMOVE FEAR replaces fear with joyful well being.
REMOVE POISON removes any form of poison from a target
REMOVE CURSE removes evil spell if place there by a caster of equal
or lesser ability.
CONFUSION makes the target’s mind totally jumbled, resembles a drunken
LAUGHTER causes the target to lapse into fits of uncontrollable giggles
for 60 minutes or until the healer reverses it.
CHARM PERSON target person regards caster as ally and trusted friend,
will protect the healer and tell all.
FEAST creates a table filled with festival foods.
CREATE WINE causes the target flask or keg to become filled
with elven wine
SOOTH THE BEAST creates music that acts as a lullaby and puts attacking
creature to sleep
MERRIMENT summons an invisible musical group to play a spritely tune
that assists in healing wounds and eliminating exhaustion.
FAIRY FIRE outlines target in a pale glowing light. Color up to the caster
DUST DEVIL animates a miniature tornado from dust.
CHARM ANIMAL animal considers the healer its friend.
FINGER PAINT allows the healer to disguise the members of the party
with various colors depending on their environment.
FREE SPEECH reverses mute and silence spells. Is cast using a variety
of hand gestures.
HONEY COAT causes the target to become coated in honey attracting lots
of bees and ants.
IRRITATION causes the target to itch all over their body. Total
distraction from all other things.
ZITS causes a plague of zits to break out on the target.
TELEPORT healer is able to teleport for a short distance, line of
sight only.
SHRINK reduces the size of a target by half. Can be cast multiple
times on the same target depending on the abilities of the healer.
ENLARGE doubles the size of a target. Can be cast multiple times on
the same target depending on the abilities of the healer
CONFUSION makes the target’s mind totally jumbled, resembles a drunken
LAUGHTER causes the target to lapse into fits of uncontrollable giggles
for 60 minutes or until the healer reverses it.
PLANE SHIFT allows target to shift between planes as long as you know
which plane you are sending it to.
SUMMON FIRE ELEMENTAL brings a fire creature from another plane
to protect the injured.
BOUNCE causes damage inflicted to be bounced back to the attacker.
HEAT METAL makes target metal burn and scale the user. Great on
armor and weapons.
TRIP causes the target to trip over some invisible object.
DISINTEGRATE OBJECT target object is completely disintegrated and
only repairable by a master mage
CONTROL WEATHER caster may cause any form of weather to occur or to
stop. This cannot be a major change, but a minor step. For
example a cloudy day from a sunny one.
FOG causes intense fog in a 30 foot radius around the target
PART WATER separates the water into a tunnel like formation allowing
passage on dry land. However should the healer become unconscious
during the passage the tunnel will collapse.
WALL OF THORNS creates a large wall of thorns to encircle the party.
WARP WOOD bends wood to casters will
WALL OF WATER makes huge wall of water.
TUNDRA makes target area in 50 foot radius into a frozen wasteland.
CONTROL WINDS castor is able to control winds to a point.
SUMMON ANIMAL normal animals in that location can be called and will
obey simple commands.
SPEAK WITH ANIMALS allows target to speak any needed animal language
ROCK TO MUD turns area to mud 10 feet deep WALL OF EARTH creates
8 foot high wall of dirt.
SUMMON DRAGON MOUNT summons a dragon whelp, flying ability for your
use only.
SUMMON GIANT INSECTS summons 5 insects at the apprentice stage, 5
addition insects for each additional level of ability of the
SUMMON BEES brings a swarm of bees to the directed target
SUMMON ANIMAL desired animal will appear and follow simple
SPEAK WITH ANIMALS allows target to speak any animal language
REPEL INSECT OR ANIMAL causes insect or animal to to flee from the
CHARM ANIMAL target animal considers the healer its friend.
PROTECTION FROM FIRE protects target from being burned at any
WATER BREATHING allows the target to breathe underwater
for up to 3 hours.
STICKS TO SNAKES reversible. Makes any size stick into an
equal size snake. GMs choice if the snake is poisonous or not.
EMIT SHOCK give anyone touching the target a jolt of electricity much
like an electric eel. Not enough to kill, but enough to
cause unconsciousness.
CONTINUAL LIGHT when cast upon a target, the target will glow like a
brightly lit room. This spell can be made permanent with proficiency.
PASS WITHOUT TRACE target of spell can no longer be seen, heard or
traced by scent.
PRODUCE FLAME caster produces a flame of fire, able to use like small
fireballs. This spell lasts only a 5 minute period during
which many small fireballs can be produced.
WYVERN WATCH creates a haze in the shape of a wyvern. Anything
entering the 10 foot area of the haze is attacked by it while
an alarm sounds alerting the party within the haze.
WANDERLUST makes the target lose sense and wander away
PROTECTION FROM WEATHER creates a small area of effect to protect the
party from extremes of temperatures while they are camping.
SUSTANENCE causes to appear a good hearty meal for all the members
of the party.
QUENCH THIRST fills target flask or keg with fresh clear mountain
stream water.
SHELTER causes to appear a tent large enough for the current party
complete with bedrolls.
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