Wanderer God of Travelers, Free Agent God
When the world of Pria began there were few gods and goddeses. The
world was a very simple place. As it began to grow, so too did its
need for protection and vindication. The world began with only the
great father god, Satyr. Later, the pantheon of gods and goddesses
grew whenever Satyr discovered a need.
It was several thousand years into recorded history before there
appeared a need for a god of Travelers. Prior to that the only real
traveling was done by adventures or armies that were already
dedicated to some god or goddess of the world. Later, long after the
fading anguish and fears of the dwarf and elven wars, the people of
Pria began to be struck by a kind of wanderlust.... a need to explore
their world and to see all that could be seen.
One such individual was a bard named Katrell. This extremely handsome
man had a remarkable voice, and he most loved to sing about the beauty
he found in the world around him. Having exhausted his topics in the
villages nearby, Katrell decided to travel and to sing about what he
Taking only a small backpack filled with essentials, a satchel for
food, and his lyre, Katrell was off. He went from place to place
singing for his food and keep. On his travels he encountered many of
the people of Pria, both the righteous and the not so righteous. He
met the royalty and the beggers, the lepers and the priests. And he
sang of them all.
He especially sang of the great and wonderful world of Pria and how bountiful had been
Satyre's love for his people to have given this world to them. It was this that attracted
Satyre's attention, this and Katrell's voice.
One night while Katrell was between villages, he made his bed in the
forest with a small fire to warm him. He had little food with him,
just a little bread, some cheese, and a bit of wine in his flask. As
he rested from his travels, there was suddenly emerging from the
forest an elderly man hobbling on a cane.
Now, being the type of individual Katrell was, he was quickly on his
feet offering the stranger his fire, his soft bed, even the little
food and wine that he had. He felt that the old man needed it more.
After the man had eaten, Katrell offered to stand watch while the
man slept. This the man gratefully accepted. When morning came the
old man thanked Katrell, who seemed humbled by the thanks, and offered
to listen to the old man's life and to sing it for him.
As the old man began his story, his shape began to change until
suddenly Katrell realized he was in the presence of the mighty god
Satyr. He dropped quickly to his knees, and Satyr touched him and
brought him to his feet again.
Satyr told him how pleased he was with what he had done and how Satyr
and the people of Pria now needed him to do something more. Katrell
was awed that Satyr wanted to make him a god, and after listening to
the great need there was, he willingly accepted.
To this day, now known as Wanderer, Katrell can be found in disguise
as an old man, a leper, or even a drunken scoundrel to test out the
intentions of the people of Pria. Those who help their fellow Prians
are rewarded richly. Those who do not.... well, they never
again refuse another being the help they need.
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