Once long ago there was a world with far too many gods and goddesses.
They became lazy and failed to meet the needs of their people any
longer. They playedinstead with their people’s lives, taking great
delight in the difficulties they wouldvisit upon the them.
In this world though, there was one god who did not find it amusing.
He tried instead to help the people of the world and to protect them
from his brother and sister gods. It was an exhausting task, but one
Satyr willingingly took on for he felt strongly that a god’s lot in
life was to serve the people and to lift their burdens.
Satyr was such a goodie goodie to the other gods that they were
heartily sick of him. The people of the world were building more and
more temples to Satyr and destroying the ones dedicated to the other
gods. This was unacceptible to them and so they decided to do
something about it.
One day Satyr heard the screams of hundreds of people being wantonly
killed in some horribly painful way. He instantly appeared at their
sides and discovered his sister and brother gods were melting the
mortal’s bodies while keeping their minds alive till the last moment.
When he tried to stop them and beg for the people’s lives they told
him no that they had decided to wipe Satyr from this planet by
destroying all those who worshipped him.
Turning to those people being tortured, Satyr realized that their only
crime had been to believe in him. Satyr’s heart rending screams tore
the barrier between dimensions, creating a rift into which Satyr fell.
Satyr drifted for centuries, curled inside himself so hurt by what he
had caused that he did not want to exist. However it isn’t easy for
a god to stop living. Finally after countless centuries had passes,
Satyr drifted close to a small dead world. It had three moons and
when he set foot on the planet, it immediately began to bloom. It
seemed that all that time drifting had made him stronger than he had
ever been. The new growth beneath his feet proved that he was not
finished with life, rather more dedicated than ever to creating
something perfect.
And with that thought, Pria was created.
During the initial creation of Pria, Satyr discovered that his twin
brother god had also been cast out and had himself formed a new world.
Satyr rejoiced that he was not alone. While they each stayed with
their own creation, the two brothers would frequently visit each other
and brag about their own worlds and the people in them.
Over the years Satyr created many gods and goddeses to care for his
world, careful to ever maintain the balance so that evil did not take
over again. He discovered that in choosing this pantheon of gods and
goddesses he did a little too good a job, choosing people who tended
to care far more for the people then for themselves. In fact the
Lady Magic crossed the line of her Free Agent ethics forcing Satyr to
defend the balance, not because she had turned evil, but because she
turn to the righteous when she saw the people of Pria threatened by
total evil.
Satyr was pleased. He knew the people had a just champion in the
Lady Magic. For this, unknown to her, he transfered much of his own
powers to the Lady Magic to prevent the possibility of this world
ever becoming totally evil.
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