Sir Magnus
Sir Magnus, God of Chivalry, Righteous God
Sir Magnus, is the patron of all the Knights of the Blue Rose, and
all those who seek to follow the path of chivalry in this world. As a
god, Sir Magnus has never failed to remember his time on Pria and how
hard he had to fight to achieve his goals of knighthood.
Born to a small peasant family, Magnus was sent out to apprentice as
a knight, but also to prevent the family from starvation. One less
mouth to feed. As an apprentice, while he missed his family, Magnus
fell in love with his training. He got up before dawn, said his
prayers, and rush out to begin morning exercises. His day was arduous
and by evening it was an act of conscious discipline to stretch out
his muscles one last time, and with evening vigil prayers on his lips,
he would be fast asleep before he could crawl under his covers.
Many years later while still a squire, Magnus watched in horror as
his master was driven from his horse by an evil enemy. Racing to the
battle, he arrived in time to take the sword strike meant for his
master. Despite his vicious wound he bravely fought the enemy knight,
prevaling in battle to be knighted on the spot for his conspicious
Now finally Sir Magnus, he was able to return to his home and with a
sizeable allotment for serving as a Knight of the Blue Rose, was able
to help them better their lives. He was a good and kind knight all
of his days.
After more than ten years serving order Sir Magnus is sent to help
command the Knights of the Blue Rose against the forces of the evil
god Onyx. The battle was one of the bloodiest in the history of Pria,
equaled only by the Dwarf and Elf wars earlier in time. As Sir Magnus
fought the evil monsters that Onxy had called up as his army, he
watched as one of the leading Knights of the Blue Rose as cornered
and outnumbered. Finishing his current foe, Magnus raced to his side
to help him. Before he could reach him Magnus saw the evil Onyx
order his archers to finish the knight quickly. Magnus without even
thinking threw himself in front of the volley of arrows.
At the moment he struck the ground, there was a flash of blinding
light and the outnumbered knight revealed himself to be Satyr, the
father of all gods. He dispatched the evil Onyx and his minions, and
walked to the fallen Magnus.
While the Knights of the Blue Rose watched in astonishment, Satyr
restored Magnus to life, and more. Magnus became the god of Chivalry
having demonstrated through his deeds and the sacrifice of his very
life, his commitment to order and righteousness.
Sir Magnus today walks the lands of Pria hoping to find chivalry
where ever he goes.
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