The Lady Magic
Lady Magic, the Goddess of Magic, Righteous Goddess
Lady Magic was once fully human, and struggled to learn the mastery
of the mystic arts. As a human female she was very much a free agent,
doing whatever was necessary to advance the art of Magic. At some
time she must have had another name, but she was so much a part of
magic that her name was slowly erased from memory and the word Magic
took on a new meaning.
On the world of Pria, magic was not well used, or easily recognized.
It was the Lady Magic who worked with the magic itself and created a
weave of power that circles the world. It is this weave from which
all things gain their magical abilities and their magical resistance.
The more attention you pay to the weave, the stronger and more
reliable your spells.
Her dedication to duty and to the protection of all living things
was noticed by the father, Satyre. He elevated her to godhood while
she was working with the weave. It seems she was so strongly attuned
to the weave that her whole life essence would be poured into it
when she worked. Satyre commended her work and in an instant she was
Seated at the balance point on the pantheon, Lady Magic was suppose
to be a goddess that served the balance between order and chaos,
since all had access to the power. Still, Lady Magic could not forget
her human life. She opened a small Inn in the middle of the
Forest of Shadows, almost in defiance of the Scrouge Gods and
There she used her abilities to protect wanderers and adventurers.
While she was definitely tipping the scale to the side of order, most
of the pantheon were willing to overlook her minor indiscretion. Even
when she saved the life of one particular sword mage whose actions
against the army of Onyx had almost cost him his life.
Mortally wounded, Sir Azrei stumbled in through the door and collapsed
at Magic's feet. So taken by his handsome face, and noble spirit,
Magic gathered him into her arms and reaching into the weave with her
own soul pulled his life essence back from the path of death.
The God of Death noticed this immediately and rushed to Azrei's body
to see what had happened. When he saw Magic rocking the sword mage's
body, crystaline tears pouring down her face, even he was moved to
compassion. He reached down, took Magic's hand and placed it on
Azrei's chest. Immediately some of her own life was mingled with his
and he breathed once more.
The God of Death could not allow a mortal to escape his realm, but he
could release a demi-god. And that is what Sir Azrei became that day,
a demi-god. He opened his eyes and beheld the tear streaked face of
Lady Magic and he fell in love. Later they were married in the Crystal
Forest by Satyre himself. Lord Ginan hosted the party for them.
Recently however, Lady Magic found herself at odds with a being known
as Sharay, an evil mage who sought to kill Lady Magic and assume her
place as the Goddess of Magic. Lady Magic however proved more than
equal to the task of defending her realm.
Unfortunately, their battle had two affects. First, Lady Magic stepped
over the line to defend the world of Pria from Sharay, and is no
longer a Free Agent Goddess, rather is very clearly Righteous. For
that she was forced to not only move in the pantheon, but because this
had created an imbalance between good and evil, was forced to watch
her enemy become the Goddess of Death and Destruction.
Today, they still are mortal enemies, and the prize now seems to be
Sir Azrei rather than the title of Goddess of Magic.
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