Elves of Pria
Believed to be the original race of Pria, the elves are strikingly
handsome people. They tend to be taller than humans and much more
slender. You will never see an overweight elf. They also tend to be
significantly longer lived than any other race.
The elves have since the dawn of Pria split into several distinct
groups. If you choose for your character to be elven, be sure to
specify which type and to pay careful attention to the physical
description of that type. All elves gain ancient knowledge due to
the family traditions of passing down history from generation to
generation. All elves have the ability to see in the dark. Elves
can follow all of the different professions.
SEA ELVES These beautiful and graceful elves can be recognized by their
blue skin and pale eyes. Their hair color tends to vary from the lightest
to darkest shades, most common is a very pale green. They have remarkable
ability to move swiftly through the water, and still have incredible grace
on land. They are totally comfortable breathing either water or air. Sea
Elves have the ability to communicate with all animals of the sea. They
are able to identify correctly shells from the sea, and tend to adorn themselves
with stunningly intricate shell and pearl jewelry. Also known for their
ability to carve larger pearls into anything their imagination can devise.
Sea Elves have a bonus of 10% to defense due to their agility, but they
have a negative 10% to magic resistance if the spell involves heat or fire.
RAIN ELVES Rain elves are built similarly to other elves, but their skin
is a dusky grey color. Their eyes go from a brilliant blue to a deep dark
grey. Hair color is usually rich warm earth colors. The Rain Elves have
over time developed the ability to mildly influence weather. This is a
very minor ability. For example they can take a sunny day and make it cloudy,
but not create a blizzard from that same sunny day. They can also predict
the weather. These elves tend to become mages more often than other professions
because of their inate magical abilities. While they can enter any profession
they like, Rain Elf mages do gain a 10% bonus to their magical defense.
FIRE ELVES Fire Elves have reddish skin and brilliant red hair that tends
to resemble the fire they are named after. They live near active volcanoes
as they prefer the extremely temperatures provided by the hot magma. It
has been said by many that a Fire Elf's eyes glow when they are angry.
These elves are also the only ones that can safely mine the fire crystals.
Fire Elves get a bonus of 10% magical resistance to any heat or fire related
spell. When a fire mage uses this type of spell the target of the spell
has a negative 10% on their magic resistance.
CRYSTAL ELVES The skin of a Crystal Elf resembles that of a fire opal.
It is opalescent reflecting all light. Their eyes are living opal while
their hair is a light blue. Crystal elves have the most beautiful voices
in the known world. As bards, they receive a bonus of 10% to all abilities
relating to music. They also possess the ability to sing magic into crystals
to be used at a later time, creating crystaline storage batteries. As bards,
they do not begin as novice, already having acquired basic musical skills.
FOREST ELVES Outside of the pointed ears of an elf, these elves would be
able to pass as humans in our own world. While they are still tall and
slender, their skin coloring is within the human range, as is their hair
color. The Forest Elf's eyes however are usually a brilliant piercing green
or blue color, although some have been known to have grey eyes. Forest
Elves rely on the natural world. Therefore they tend to be followers of
Lord Cosmic, God of Nature. If these become healers, they will follow the
Druidic arts of healing as they know plants and herbs and their abilities
since the time they were children. As Druids they gain a 10% bonus
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