Among the first on the world of Pria, these dwarves know the world
better than most.
The Dwarves are the sturdy folk of Pria. They are short, stocky
fellows. They are very hard workers, extremely strong, and very very
long lived. They are usually about 4 to 4 and a half feet talk, and
very solidly built. They like to grow beards, including the females
and are constantly having beard contests.
The know and love the rocks of Pria better than any other living
being. They of course love gold and gems, but also have a fondness
for any beautiful rock they come across.
Their size and strength makes them perfect fighters giving them a
bonus of 10% to attacks and 5% to defense. They also have the ability
to see through all but the strongest illusions.
They do also have the uncanny ability to learn many languages.
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