Creating Your Character
General Rules:

The following will be the instructions on how to use the generators that
you will find linked below.  If you are using Webtv, the generators do
not seem to work for you.  So if you are on Webtv, click the link at
the bottom of this page to send your character in email form.  Be sure
you go to the generator and answer all the questions you find there 
in your email.

Basically what we are asking those of you on Webtv to do is to complete
the generator and then copy and paste all the information directly to 
an email.  We apologize for this inconvenience, hopefully one day the
programmers will get together and resolve this for us all.

You have two choice on how you want to create a character for this
game.  The only difference between the two generators is in how the 
stats are generated.  For the mathematically/customization inclined,
you have 90 points to allocate among the various statistics of your
character, distributing them evenly will give you a rating of 15 in 
each statistic.  In this manner you have more control over how your
stats are placed.  

The second method is for those who are mathematically challenged, or
else just plain don't want to bother with the math.  This method uses
a random number generator that you can even keep resetting until you 
are satisfied with the numbers you receive.

Other than that the two generators are identical, asking you to make 
your selection of ethics, race, and profession, and even getting into
character physical attributes.  All of these choices are explained in
depth within the links found on this web site.  

Basic starting equipment for each character profession is clearly 
listed on the page called oddly enough, Professions of Pria.  You must
go to the appropriate link for the profession you selected for your
character.  Be certain you are at the right place as it would be 
embarassing if you had the starting equipment of a mage and when into
battle and instead of a sword pulled out a prayer feather.

The use of this generator will enable all adventurers to have a much
better time in the inn and the caves.  Recently rules have been abused,
and characters have entered declaring themselves gods, time travelers,
cyborgs, space monsters, and other creatures clearly not appropriate
for the rules of this game.

While you are more than welcome to chat in the inn without a formal 
character generated here, you may no longer participate in the adventures
in #MysticCaves or the tournaments in #MysticDuels without one.

This rule will be strictly enforced!

A few side notes for clarity:
For those of you who think you are a god or a demi god in this game,
think again.  Only the gods of Pria have any godlike abilities in this
realm, and only designated staff members portray any of those gods and
goddesses.  This is to maintain game balance.

Magic is a very difficult thing to use.  It takes years of study just
to be able to cast the lowest of spells.  No one except the Goddess of
Magic can cast more than one spell per action, and even the Goddess of
Magic gets very very tired doing this.  

Also the power of any spell cast will be dependent upon your level not
according to what you type in the room.  Trying to create a spell that
is beyond your ability will more than likely result in a string of
butterflies than a fireball.  For more information on how the magic 
of Pria works, go over to the link for professions and check out 

In this world, the stealing of souls is not an acceptible ability, as
Satyr, father of Pria has long ago protected them, therefore you are
unlikely to ever find such a spell even in the most forbidden of 
books or legends.  Anyone who attempts to steal a soul will discover 
that the soul they stole was their own!  Continual disregard for the
rules of the game will result in your being banished from the world 
of Pria.

If you are looking for an evil deity to follow, check the Gods and 
Goddesses of Pria page, Satan is NOT one of them, or any of his other
aliases.  If you want to follow someone truly evil, try Sharay, Plague,
Onyx, or Vrae.

Be sure to check out all your options, and remember if you really don't
like where your character is going, its very simple to just go create
another one and start over.  

Good luck and Happy Adventuring.

Mystic Links

Character Generator 
This is the site for the generator with the random statistics for you. 
**Note: Webtv cannot use this form, sorry. Please send me the information in email form. Perhaps someday webtv will be compatible with computers, but for now its just not. 
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